How To Attract more Roofing Clients by Leveraging the Internet

You probably learned that one of the most demanding parts of your roofing business is bringing in new clients consistently and sustainably. Most roofers tend to focus on only traditional forms of advertising such as newspaper ads, door knocking, flyers, door hangers or those big billboards that draw your eyes when you drive to your home from a long day of work.
These methods can definitely be helpful, but they aren’t nearly as effective as combining them with advertising your roofing business online. Here are 3 ways to attract more customers by using the power of the internet.
Make sure you follow through because there’s a special bonus waiting for you at the end.

1. Start a Targeted & Precise Local Google Ads Campaign

Believe it or not, Google can reach almost 90 percent of all day-to-day users with its Google ads. So what are they? Google offers advertisements that appear when you search for specific things. Roofers typically use the AdWords platform to bid for keywords that are most relevant to their area and business. This way, when a potential client types these keywords into the search engine, they will be greeted with the ad for the business. Best part about advertising online is that you’re able to target the type of audience you need and also flush out those that are not interested.

2. Get Your Google My Business Account

According to Google, every one in three searches has a local intent, whether it may be looking for somewhere to eat or searching for a local contractor. It’s interesting that most of these searches typically result in people visiting within a day.

By marketing your roofing company in your local area you can attract a big chunk of local customers. With Google My Business, whenever a customer enters a search term “roofing company” into their google maps app, they will be shown results for the roofing businesses that are closest to their location.The best thing about using Google My Business is that it’s free and can help your business get increased visibility online which ultimately helps you in attracting more clients.

3. Use Local Service Ads

Another amazing way to use the internet to acquire more clients is with Google Local Service Ads. These ads are specifically for businesses that provide home services that have been verified by Google. These listings are placed at the top of Google’s search and also listed above the paid ads.
Local Service Ads (LSA) typically features the name of your area, operating hours, phone number and your review rating. The good thing with most of these ads is that when you’re away or completely booked you can always pause them and re-activate when you’re operational again.

So what are you waiting for? Get started now.

If all of this sounds a bit confusing and complicated we at Savior are here for you. We have helped dozens of roofing clients transform their online presence and expand their businesses.

Let’s start! Book your FREE Strategy call and let’s create a clear vision geared towards your future roofing success!


About Monet St Juste

Co-Founder and Head of Strategy at Savior Marketing. Monet has a passion for contractors and is on a mission to transform their businesses through precise-targeted online marketing systems that drive massive results and revenue.


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